Was it an inherent arrogance? On the other hand, was it what seems to be a culture shock that some Americanized Filipinos are suffering from the reason why they became blind and not see the virtue of simplicity and strength of our people? It appears that for some of them, everything is about money and progress as if it is the only source of happiness. Do they have forgotten the fact that real happiness is not possible without peace? In addition, how can anyone live in peace away from home, especially if that home is burning, poverty-stricken, or in chaos? If this is the case, peace is only for those who have hearts of steel.
How can a man turn away from anyone who needs him? We choose to stay because we felt that our motherland needs us when almost all of her children want to leave realizing that it is hopeless to stay. Most of the time it is much wiser to run than to face our fear, adversary and difficulty; and I will not blame anyone who will brand us fools and indifferent for maybe we are. It does not matter though for at least we are more courageous, because we choose to stay when all others run. I have nothing against those who choose to leave or run because they have their reasons. Maybe it is not in their nature to fight for a losing battle, to suffer and to be stupid. All I ask from them is a little kindness; a little sympathy for their native land and their people; a little respect to those who choose to be fools.
One Balikbayan told me that one of the reasons why Filipinos are impoverished is because of the “utang na loob” character trait, a habit and tendency of Filipinos to offer so much sense of gratitude to those who helped them or gave them favors. Seeing and experiencing this essential attitude of my fellow citizens and knowing how it works against them, I cannot help but agree. However, my Balikbayan friend became silent when I ask him which is better: a poor man with sense of gratitude or a rich man without it. Personally, if anyone would ask me that same question, being a full-blooded Filipino, I will choose the former from the later anytime of the day. However, of course, everything in this world has a limit especially when the future of love ones and country is at stake.
They should not push their adopted culture on us for everyone has their own tendencies and nature, and Providence has a reason why we are born here.
There are so many ways to find happiness and it is a matter of choice. Ironically, happiness is their reason to leave and our reason to stay; and in the end, we will be judge accordingly: how we fought our chosen battles, how we became, and how happy we are. I cannot speak for others, but I am glad and proud that even now (poor as I am) I feel the joy of a man who made a stand for something that he believes in and he loves. And that joy will carry me on through against all odds and difficulties up to my last breath when all pain and battle has to end and only that joy remain. In addition, I realized that because of that love even though I was wrong; I am actually right.
Love is the greatest source of happiness; and if happiness is the goal, the only way to do it right is to love. I heard a wise man saying that; when it comes to love and happiness: The greater the number a lover loves the greater the happiness is. He further conclude that those who love their country are happier than those who love their family, relatives and friends; who are happier than those who love their wives and their children; and who are happier than those who only love themselves. One more thing about lovers is that they do not easily accept defeat; they will do anything in order to win, even if winning means sacrificing everything even their lives. Maybe that is the reason why heroes and martyrs are more than willing to suffer or even die for the object of their love.
My Americanize brothers can have all the goodies in the land of milk and honey while I settle for the tropical grass and natural water of my Motherland. I do not care and I will not complain. “I am a simple man and I am not the kind who dreams there could be more”. It is not in my nature the tendency to blame others for my misery; and I am joyful knowing that my friends and my people are happy and doing fine while living in a foreign land (regardless of whether they want to help or even remember their country or not). However, I beg those who are incline to throw stones not to arrogantly criticize us as if they know better for that is un-tolerable and unkind. We are here trying to save a dying country for our children and for those migrants who still consider it home and we need all the assistance anyone can offer. If one cannot help us, at least he should observe kindness and sobriety because some of us are tired, restless and ready to explode. They could be so mean and it is better for any stone thrower to just live the way he wants and leave us alone.
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